Company Profile
With a passion to help small business owners save time and money, we provide a professional and more personalized, small town experience.
Small business owners spend an average of 60 hours a year on their bookkeeping, and lose an average of $5,000 to $10,000 per year in missed deductions and lost profits.
With over 20 years experience, we can help you free up that time and show you areas of your business that need to be streamlined to maximize those profits! We will personally work with each client to determine the best, most efficient way to meet your business needs.
With today’s technology, we are available remotely within the United States. We can work with any business, anytime, anywhere.
Financial Accounting
We prepare everything you need for your company financial statements
Bookkeeping Services
We provide services in every area of bookkeeping
CFO Services
We provide services in consulting, budget preparation and analysis, financial statement analysis, etc.
Mailing Address
7505 CR 220, Qulin, MO 63961
Phone Number
(573) 576-2146
Email Address